All my love to Breakfast

It’s crazy what recovery can do for the way you look at meals. I used to fear eating in the morning as that would result in “bloating” to start the day. However, my energy levels, hormones, and digestion suffered greatly from not starting my day with enough fuel. Slowly implementing breakfast into my routine was a struggle but I overcame my fears and genuinely look forward to breakfast. My morning routine is easily become my favorite part of the day. Slowing down and mentally preparing myself for the day ahead by eating a nutritious meal and journaling has changed my life. I feel calmer with the tasks at hand and the bumps in the day that I need to overcome.

I have been rotating 2 meals for breakfast religiously for the last year. Depending on much energy I burned during my morning workout or how hungry I am post sleep, I know which breakfast to prepare. Recently I’ve been obsessed with oatmeal…I will confess I’m on day 11 of oatmeal for breakfast because IT IS SO DANG DELICIOUS.

THE famous Yogi Bowl


1 serving of Your choice of Protein Powder (My favorite is the Orgain Organic Plant Based Vanilla Protein)

3/4 cup Non-fat Greek Yogurt

1 tbs Chia Seeds

1 tbs Nut Butter

1/4 cup Walnuts

Measure w/ your heart In season Fruit (blueberries and peaches are my ultimate favorite!)

How To:

Mix the Greek yogurt with your choice of protein powder. It should come out to a pudding-like consistency.

Now it’s time for all the toppings. I prefer to start with the fruit and nuts and then add the nut butter and chia seeds.

Now enjoy! It’s really that quick and simple. The best part about this recipe is how much you can switch it up based on toppings.

Berry Oats


1/3 cup of oats

½ cup of water

½ cup frozen cherries

1 handful of blueberries

1 tbs of peanut butter

¼ cup of walnuts

1 heaping tbs of yogurt

1 tsp of cinnamon

A dash of salt

How To:

Prepare the oats on the stove. Once the oats are just about cooked, add cinnamon, cherries, and blueberries. This will add color to the oatmeal and soften the frozen fruit.

            Note: Add a dash of salt to the boiling water before adding the oats.

Serve oatmeal in a bowl and begin adding toppings; chopped walnuts, peanut butter, yogurt, and extra cinnamon if you so please. Voila, breakfast is served! Hard to name an easier dish 🙂